AHM - Asiri Hospital Matara
AHM stands for Asiri Hospital Matara
Here you will find, what does AHM stand for in Hospital under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Asiri Hospital Matara? Asiri Hospital Matara can be abbreviated as AHM What does AHM stand for? AHM stands for Asiri Hospital Matara. What does Asiri Hospital Matara mean?Asiri Hospital Matara is an expansion of AHM
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Alternative definitions of AHM
- Anti-Helicopter Mine
- Ant Hill Mob
- An Honest Mistake
- Agape Healing Ministries
- Appalachian Hardwood Manufacturers
- Action of Human Movement
- Acadia Healthcare Montana
View 60 other definitions of AHM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- ASH Asiri Surgical Hospital
- AS/GAP Adullam-Stiftung / Geriatriespital, Alters- und Pflegeheim
- AKDBZBG Aeskulap-Klinik Dr. Brander - Zentrum für Biologische Ganzheitsmedizin
- AR Akutspital Riggisberg
- AKDA Alexanderhausklinik - Klinik für Dermatologie und Allergie
- AAP Allmendhof - Alters- und Pflegeheim
- AB Alp Betagtenzentrum
- AKD Alpine Kinderklinik Davos
- APSG Alters und Pflegeheime St. Gallen
- AKWIG Alters- Kranken und Wohnheim 'Im Grund'
- APIB Alters- Pflegeheim Im Bruehl
- ABA Alters- und Betreuungsheim Au
- AP Alters- und Pflegeheim